温州钟灵毓秀、人杰地灵。自古有生产和教育并重的“耕读文化”,永嘉学派“义利并重”的思维方式和巧式手工生产的生存方式, 形成鲜明的温州传统人文特色。 改革开发的大潮让温州的人文传统在新的历史条件下焕发出强大的生命力,社会事业得到全面的发展。

     Wenzhou is a place propitious for giving birth to a galaxy of talented people. The Wenzhou people have inherited the ancient tradition of part-study and part-farming with equal emphasis on production and education. The thinking mode of “simultaneous development of honor and gains” advocated by the Yongjia School and the living way of being skillful in handwork formed the distinctive features of Wenzhou’s humanistic tradition. In the surging tide of reform and open-up, the humanistic tradition displays great vitality under new historical conditions. While developing the market economy, Wenzhou makes all round progress in social undertakings.

教育和科技 Education and Science
文化、艺术和新闻事业 Culture and Art, Press and Publication
卫生和体育 Public Health and Sports
历史人物和历史文物 Historical Personages and Cultural Relics
民族和宗教 Ethnic Groups and Religions
◎教育事业 Education
   改革开放以来,温州借助民间资金丰裕和市场机制灵活的区域经济优势,率先进行教育投资和办学体制改革, 走出了一条政府为主、全社会办教育的发展路子。全市现有各级各类学校3135所,在校生155.2万人,教职工10.2万人,教育人口占全省近五分之一。其中,普通高校6所,成人高校1所,远程高教站点39个,职业学校102所,普通高中136所,初中344所,小学998所,特殊教育学校12所,幼儿园1536所。
   Since the implementation of the policy of reform and open-up, by means of the advantages of the regional economy with rich private capital and flexible market mechanism, Wenzhou has first carried out the reform of the systems for investment in education and running a school, blazing a path of undertaking educational work by all social forces with the government as the main body. The city now has 3,135 schools of different types with 1.552 million students and 102 thousand teachers and administrative staff, making up nearly one fifth of the provincial total educational population. Among them there are 6 regular institutions of higher learning, 1 adult higher learning institute, 39 corresponding higher learning stations, 102 secondary vocational schools, 136 regular senior middle schools, 344 junior middle schools, 998 primary schools, 12 special-education schools and 1,536 kindergartens.

◎科学技术事业 Science and Technology
   In 2006, 3.102 billion yuan was appropriated for the operation expenses of science and technology, an increase of 28.0 percent over the previous year, making up 1.69 percent of the city’s total output value, up 0.14 percentage point over 2005. In the same year the city proposed 46 items for the state “Torch Project”, amounting to 204 together with those proposed in the former years, and 22 for major new product projects. It won the state prize of technology advancement for one item of scientific and technological achievement.

温州新闻网 2005.11