城市建设 Urban Construction
平安温州 Peaceful Wenzhou
信用温州 Creditable Wenzhou
法治温州 Wenzhou under the Rule of Law
文明创建 Activities of Building up a Civilized City
和馨行动 Warm-Hearted Action

    几年来,温州积极推进“平安温州”建设,不断加强社会治安建设,刑事案件发生率明显下降,2006年刑事案件发生率下降4.76%; 2006年事故数、因事故死亡数和经济损失分别同比下降23.3%、5.3%和19.5%。交通、治安、生产等各方面都取得了明显成效,使得社会治安趋于稳定,安全生产状况明显改善,为群众的安居乐业和城市的和谐发展打下了良好的基础。

    For years, Wenzhou has made great efforts to build itself as a peaceful place through the improvement of the social order and security, resulting in a remarkable decline in crime rate. In 2006, the occurrence of criminal cases decreased 4.76%. The number of accidents, the death by accidents and the economic loss decreased 23.3 %, 5.3% and 19.5% respectively, in comparison with the previous year. The remarkable improvement in traffic, social order and security and production conditions led to a more stable social environment and safer production environment, laying a solid foundation for the peaceful and contented life of the people and the harmonious development of the city.

温州新闻网 2005.11