城市建设 Urban Construction
平安温州 Peaceful Wenzhou
信用温州 Creditable Wenzhou
法治温州 Wenzhou under the Rule of Law
文明创建 Activities of Building up a Civilized City
和馨行动 Warm-Hearted Action


    For long, Wenzhou has engaged in legality publicity and education and carried on the all-round performance of the official duties according to law, achieving remarkable success. In 2006, 6,963,900 citizens in Wenzhou received legality education, with the popularization rate of 92.14%. With the development of the activities of ruling Wenzhou by law, the people’s legal awareness and quality have been constantly enhanced, the administrative ability and level of the governments at all levels continuously raised, and the legal environment of the society obviously improved.

温州新闻网 2005.11