城市建设 Urban Construction
平安温州 Peaceful Wenzhou
信用温州 Creditable Wenzhou
法治温州 Wenzhou under the Rule of Law
文明创建 Activities of Building up a Civilized City
和馨行动 Warm-Hearted Action


    Wenzhou has started a program called the “Warm-Hearted Action” for the benefit of migrant laborers, calling on the whole city to show more concern about the work and life of over two million migrant laborers and make them an integral part of the city and an important force in building “Harmonious Wenzhou”. So far, in terms of residence, the local government has invested to set up the “Reassurance Apartments” to help solve their housing difficulties; in terms of political status, quite a few migrant laborers have been elected the deputies to People’s Congress at different levels and members of the Political Consultative Conference; and in terms of education of their children, over 90 percent have enjoyed nine-year compulsory education. In 2006, Wenzhou won the honorable title of one of the “10 most-favored cities of farmer laborers”.

温州新闻网 2005.11