“ 这是一个善于分工也乐于使用合力的城市,一个喜欢以小见大更会以小搏大的城市,一个懂得无中生有的城市。她在创造价值的同时,也创造着生机勃勃的经济模式。作为中国民营经济的领跑者,她清晰的脚印让人们感受到民间的力量和市场的力量。 ”   这是CCTV中国最具经济活力城市评委会专家给温州的评价。

     “It is a city which is not only good at division of work but ready to make a concerted effort, a city which is fond of discerning a question of major principle from minor issues and even more able to throw a sprat to catch a herring, and a city which knows how to create out of nothing. While making wealth, it creates vigorous economic mode. As a forerunner in Chinese non-public economy, it lets people experience the non-public and market strength through its distinct footprints.”
    This is a comment made about Wenzhou by experts of the Review Committee of the “2004 CCTV Chinese Most Vigorous Cities in Economy”.
    Looking back on the exciting years of reform, Wenzhou has ushered in the vigorous spring in economy. Based on the spirit of “daring to be pioneers with special ability for starting business”, the Wenzhou people have shown the world people their vigorous life and renewed vitality.
     Since reform and opening-up, Wenzhou has created a number of national firsts and blazed a path of vigorous development in economy.

民营经济 Non-public Economic Sectors
市场体系 Market System
创新城市 Innovative City
对外开放 Opening to the outside world
温州商会 Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce


    In Wenzhou the non-public sectors account for 80.6 percent of the city’s overall economy. By the end of 2006, it had a total of 260,000 individual-owned industrial and commercial units. The non-public industrial enterprises numbered 139,300, accounting for 995 percent of the city’s total. Their gross industrial output value was 369.298 billion yuan, accounting for 89.3 percent of the city’s total. Of the 5,757 industrial enterprises with an annual sales volume exceeding 5 million yuan each, there were 3 among the Chinese 500 top enterprises and 33 among the national 500 top non-public enterprises.

▲ 1980年 颁发中国第一张“个体工商户营业执照”
▲ 1980年 苍南县金乡镇信用社率先实行利率改革
▲ 1983年 创建“东方第一纽扣市场”的永嘉桥头纽扣市场
▲ 1984年 由26个农民自愿入股创办全国最早的股份合作制企业瓯海登山鞋厂
▲ 1984年 集资兴建中国第一座农民城----温州龙港镇
▲ 1986年 全国最早创办由集体、个人集资入股的股份制城市信用社 —— 鹿城城市信用社和东风城市信用社
▲ 1987年 颁布第一个民营企业的地方性规章《温州私人企业管理暂行办法》
▲ 1987年 颁布第一个关于股份合作制的地方性规章《温州市关于农村股份合作企业若干问题的暂行规定》
▲ 1988年 起草中国第一份股份合作制企业章程《桥墩门啤酒厂章程》
▲ 1991年 苍南县农民合股创办以经营专线航班为主的全国首家航运包机公司
▲ 1991年 创办第一个私人跨国农业公司 —— 美国明尼苏达州的康龙农业开发有限公司
▲ 1992年 建设全国第一条股份制铁路金温铁路
▲ 2003年 温州烟具协会赢得中国加入WTO以后的第一个技术贸易壁垒案
▲ 2004年 联合 9 家民企组建中国第一家无区域限制的民营财团——中瑞财团控股有限公司  
▲ 2004年 正泰集团作为民营企业第一个获中国企业经营管理领域最高奖“全国质量管理奖”

▲ In 1980, the first “business license for individual-owned industrial and commercial business” was issued in Wenzhou.
▲ In 1980, the reform of interest rate was first implemented in Jinxiang Town Credit Cooperative of Cangnan County.
▲ In 1983, the “Oriental First Button Market”, Yongjia Qiaotou Button Market, was founded in Wenzhou.
▲ In 1984, the first joint-equity cooperative enterprise in China, Ouhai Mountaineering Boots Factory, was set up by 26 farmers who bought their shares voluntarily.
▲  In 1984, the “First Farmers’ City” in China, Wenzhou Longgan Town, was built on the funds collected by the local people.
▲  In 1986, the first joint-stock urban credit cooperatives in China, Lucheng and Dongfeng Urban Credit Cooperatives, were set up with the funds collected from collectives and individuals.
▲  In 1987, the first local laws and regulations for non-public enterprises, “Wenzhou Interim Administrative Procedures for Privately-owned Enterprises”, were promulgated.
▲  In 1987, the first statue for a joint-stock cooperative system, “Wenzhou Municipal Interim Regulations Concerning Rural Joint-equity Cooperative Enterprises”, was promulgated.
▲  In 1988, the first constitution for joint-equity cooperative enterprises, “Regulations of Qiaodunmen Beer Brewery”, was drawn up.
▲  In 1991, the first charted airplane company, mainly managing special-line flights, was set up with a pooled capital by farmers in Cangnan County.
▲ In 1991, the first private transnational agricultural corporation, Kanglong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Of Minnesota, USA, was set up.
▲  In 1992, the first joint-stock railway in China, the Jinhua-Wenzhou Railway, was constructed.
▲  In 2003, the first anti-dumpling case was won by Wenzhou Smoking Set Association after China’s accession to the WTO.
▲  In 2004, China’s first non-regional private financial group, Zhongrui Group Co., Ltd., was jointly organized by eight non-public enterprises.
▲  In 2004, the first highest prize in management, the “National Quality Control Prize”, was won by the non-public enterprises Zhengtai Group.

温州新闻网 2005.11